Q1. How do I scroll in the nick or window lists? There are no scrollbars. Q2. I noticed that QuIRC isn't compliant to the CTCP specification. What are you going to do about it? In what ways is QuIRC not compliant? Q3. When I try to start QuIRC, I get an error relating to being unable to initialize the Tcl/Tk interpreter. What are possible causes or solutions? Q4. QuIRC seems to be slow and takes up a fair amount of memory, why is that? Q5. QuIRC appears to freeze for a while when I start a new server, what is going on? Q6. I get an error similar to the following in one of my scripts: ERROR Info: syntax error in expression "0|NOTIFY_TAG_923349433.133047" while executing "expr [set ::internal::complete70]|[set ::internal::tempcomplete70]" ("foreach" body line 5) invoked from within "foreach script $::0::scripts { if { [info commands ::0::${script}::event_pong]!="" } { set ::internal::tempcomplete70 [::0::${script}::e..." ERROR Code: NONE ERROR Additional Info: File: server.cc Line: 147 Q7. Help! My server won't close! Q8. Feature "X" is missing after upgrade, or things seem broken... what can I do? Q1. How do I scroll in the nick or window lists? There are no scrollbars. A1. Either hold down the middle mouse button and "pull" the list in the direction you want it to move, or use alt-pgup/pgdn for the windowlist and ctrl-pgup/pgdn for the nicklist. Q2. I noticed that QuIRC isn't compliant to the CTCP specification. What are you going to do about it? In what ways is QuIRC not compliant? A2. QuIRC does not do CTCP or low level quoting (ie. \a or ^Pn). Seeing as I don't know of any other client that does this either, it would be silly to put this in. There is another issue with FINGER in where the spec conflicts with itself in first saying that the FINGER reply should not contain spaces, and then gives an example where the reply does contain spaces. What do I plan to do about it? Well, since I can't do anything about all the other clients, and the other error appears to be a typo, I do not plan to "fix" QuIRC cause that would make it incompatible with the rest. Besides, you can always script your own replies. In creating the replies for QuIRC, I consulted the spec as well as the replies of other clients. What I discovered was that almost no clients actually reply according to the spec. So, instead of conforming precisely to the spec and creating less informative replies, I decided to go with the flow and just stick with the general idea behind the reply, not the exact syntax. The replies correspond more with ircii than the CTCP spec. Q3. When I try to start QuIRC, I get an error relating to being unable to initialize the Tcl/Tk interpreter. What are possible causes or solutions? A3. Make sure you have the Tcl/Tk libraries (for the appropriate version!) installed on your system. To assist QuIRC in locating these if it cannot find them at the standard locations, you can set the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY environment variables. Another possibility is that Tk cannot find a valid display to display the client on. Check your DISPLAY environment variable and make sure you have permissions to use the screen it points to (xhost will change permissions). Any messages about being unable to init the Tcl/Tk interpreter are practically gauranteed to be related to only to the Tcl/Tk installation itself. Example: export TCL_LIBRARY="/usr/lib/tcl8.0" export TK_LIBRARY="/usr/lib/tk8.0" Q4. QuIRC seems to be slow and takes up a fair amount of memory, why is that? A4. As near as I can tell, the majority of the resources consumed by QuIRC are due to the fact that it offers a full Tcl/Tk scripting system, and the interface is done using Tk. I would love for somebody to prove me wrong on this point, but I don't feel that's going to happen... So as long as QuIRC allows the level of scripting it does, it's not likely to get much less resource intensive. Q5. QuIRC appears to freeze for a while when I start a new server, what is going on? A5. Since QuIRC does not presently do non-blocking name lookups, it has to wait for a response from the DNS. While it is waiting, the client is non-responsive. Q6. I get an error similar to the following in one of my scripts: ERROR Info: syntax error in expression "0|NOTIFY_TAG_923349433.133047" while executing "expr [set ::internal::complete70]|[set ::internal::tempcomplete70]" ("foreach" body line 5) invoked from within "foreach script $::0::scripts { if { [info commands ::0::${script}::event_pong]!="" } { set ::internal::tempcomplete70 [::0::${script}::e..." ERROR Code: NONE ERROR Additional Info: File: server.cc Line: 147 A6. Be sure to return a numeric value from your events. Simply return 0 if you don't want it to affect anything else. Q7. Help! My server won't close! A7. Make sure there are no remaining DCC entries in the DCC list by right clicking in the window to remove them. Q8. Feature "X" is missing after upgrade, or things seem broken... what can I do? A8. Some people have been having problems with features being missing after upgrading QuIRC. If you have run quirc.inst and are still suffering, there are a couple of possible options. The most extreme solution being to delete dynamic.tcl, which would start you over with fresh settings. Most often though, the problem is just a script file being missing from either the default_globalscripts or default_scripts variables. Compare the values in your client with those in variables.tcl and add any necessary scripts. As for recent changes of that nature, popups.tcl was added to default_globalscripts. If this still doesn't fix it, you could try backing up and then deleting ~/.quirc/. If that doesn't work, there is either a problem with the install or a bug in QuIRC. Try finding all occurences of "quirc" in your filesystem and removing them. If that doesn't work, let me know what the problem is and I'll look into it.